51LWa6So3gL._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_Our story starts in 2005 with the first edition of The Family Guide to Jakarta book which collected valuable information, advice and addresses from a broad range of volunteers. The aims of the book were to provide the best guide for families living in Jakarta and, from advertising, provide financial support to the Foundation for Mother and Child, Indonesia (FMCH Indonesia)

Three editions and much work later, with increasing changes in Jakarta and the rise of the internet as the most popular source of information, we decided to carefully transport all the valuable information online to make it easier to update.

In 2015, we decided to improve the website to make it look more attractive, feature a listings Directory you can easily search and to write lots of new articles about the things that matter to you.

All the advertising revenue from the website still supports FMCH Indonesia. Click here for more information.

We rely on the energy, effort and motivation of volunteers, so if you would like to join us, email us now at info@familyguidetojakarta.com.
