Counselling Services

Doreen Biehle

Offers individual or family therapy. Is a US-licensed therapist and very flexible about scheduling appointments, weekend and evening appointments available. Call or fax to make an appointment, and all voice messages are confidential..

Location 1:  Apartemen Semanggi 1505, Slipi, Jakarta Location 2:  Jl. Tangkuban Prahu No. 3, Taman Kencana, Bogor
Phone Number
Tel: 021 535 8243 HP:  0812 905 4256

The ICAC counseling office provides a professional counseling service to the expatriate community in Jakarta. The aim is to support the individual, child, adolescent, couple or family in dealing with a variety of problems. Appointments can be made by telephone or in person at can be scheduled for almost anytime of the day. All counseling is fully confidential..

Wisma Semeru 2nd Floor Jl. Taman Kemang No. 18 Jakarta
Phone Number
021 718-0010
Meredyth Blackwell-Bell

Offers family counselling, parenting workshops, individual and couple’s counseling as well as dealing with culture shock. Organizational programs, orientation/stress management and communication skills also. Call or email to make an appointment or for additional information..

Phone Number